Lib Library was born in the heart of founder Michelle de Paula, when she noticed her son's, Davi, greater interest in Portuguese after he had a comic book in his hands (he was delighted and super curious).
That's when she said: we need more books in Portuguese and why not a library!
So she made 2 canteens for the sale of pastries in her church where she raised a $ for the purchase of the first books, in this period she met books for kids and started her work as a book dealer in Portuguese and all profit was invested in books for the library, but the profits were very small.
It was where she had the idea to create a DONATE ONE BOOK campaign, help me set up a Portuguese language library, and so she got some books.
After 10 months the library was opening with more than 350 books! And the inauguration was held on June 22, 2019 and was a success.
Our Mission:
• Bringing children and teenagers closer to the Portuguese language.
• Make them fall in love with Brazil even more.
• Encourage reading.
• Encourage children to be writers
Our Vision:
• Maintain the Physical Library
• Online library terms (to reach more families
• Mobile library.
• Projects combining reading with other activities
• Writing projects such as:
poems and books.
• Book fairs where we make the connection between families and writers and we also encourage reading.
New Boston Bazaar
Official By Talita